Exonemo, Web Cut-up

Copie d’écran de FragMental Storm.

Exonemo, FragMental Storm for iPhone, 2000-2009.

FragMental Storm – Web « Cut-up » Browser/Web »幻覚 »ブラウザ
by Exonemo
キーワードからWebを検索し、見つかったページの画像とテキストをリアルタイムコラージュするソフトウェア。2000年PC用に発表されたものの iPhone移植バージョン。

FragMental Storm is a software that searches web with any keyword and makes collage with the result images and texts in realtime.
This iPhone version is translated from the PC version released in 2000.
The iPhone version has additional features as follows:
iPod Sync
Starts shuffle play from your iPod library and search with the artist and track names. Music and screen images are synchronized (for iPhoe OS 3.0 and above.)
Location Sync
Tracks your movement and synchronizes with addresses found from your GPS location data.
And… Flickr and Twitter searches are added. Enjoy cut-up browsing with brand new « FMS ».
*attention : This software does not guarantee any correct result. To enjoy flashy screen effects and combination of the rondomness of web searches, we recommend this software not for everybody but for people who realize that point.

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